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Career Fair


Khatwa Career Fair

Helm is inviting you to take a step forward towards the effective hiring of persons with disabilities. In addition to finding the perfect job or perfect candidate, you will learn a lot more about effective recruitment and inclusion strategies in the workplace.

Take a Khatwa now and join us in making a difference!

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Qualified Candidates
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Why be a part of Khatwa ?


Job Seekers

30+ companies offering vacancies in different fields all in one place.

500+ scholarships for employability skills including; soft skills, technical skills, English language and computer skills.

Access to workshops and talks by subject matter experts in the fields of employment, development and disability inclusion. 

Inspirational talks and speeches of Persons with disabilities. 

Brought to you by


Under the Auspices

Main Sponsor

National Bank of Egypt

Inclusion Partner

Technology Partner




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Job Seekers

Never let anything or anyone stop you from finding your dream job. It’s your time to thrive in what  you love doing the most. Register now and attend Khatwa Career Fair for a chance to network, meet top employers, attend inspirational speeches, workshops, and develop yourself.

What are you still waiting for? Register now and join us on the 11th of March at the Greek Campus to take a step towards your career.


Want to be a leader in inclusive and effective hiring of persons with disabilities? Khatwa is your first step towards the goal. Other than meeting great candidates, you will learn from global and local experts on the best practices towards fostering an inclusive environment. Contact us now and take your first Khatwa.


We are excited to announce that we are seeking passionate and self-driven volunteers to support us execute Khatwa event on the 18th of june. What are you waiting for? If you believe this is the volunteering opportunity for you, register through this link .

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